Friday, June 6, 2008

The One Where the Sheep Actually Becomes a Sheep

I know my title is long, but that is what has been happening in my life lately. I know that I claim to be a sheep, but honestly, I've been one of those sheep that follows one day and runs away the next. I was a sheep with thorns and stickers (you know those sharp things in the weeds that you can never get off things?) always stuck in my wool, and I just didn't want my Shepherd to get them out. I fought Him, and I fought Him.

Last night, this sheep with all the thorns and issues was finally sheared. The sickness of those thorns finally caught up with me, but now I am new again. My wool and my heart are clean, and I intend keeping it that way. Yeah, I know I am a sheep that will fall a lot for I am fairly clumsy, but I want to always been in reach of my Shepherd. I never want to stray from Him again.

I am One Clean and Delighted Sheep. I am in the presence of my Shepherd and Savior.