Monday, August 25, 2008

Psalm 27:14

There are so many things happening in my life right now, so many transitions. They are all exciting in their own way, but they are all also hard. Throughout my thought-processes and rants, I have had a few good friends call to my attention the fact that God is in control.

Nothing is up to me. I really realized it the other day when I finally got on campus. So many emotions, thoughts, worries, excitements, came rushing back. It was almost frightening the intensity of it all.

The over-arching feeling I was blessed with was peace. I had been so concerned with the future and not being able to see it. But God set upon me a cloud of peace. Such an amazing God I serve, or attempt to serve. He is my Maker.

The verse that really influenced me was Psalm 27:14. It spelled out what I needed to hear, and what I plan on focusing on while these transitions come to be.

"Wait for the Lord;
be strong, and let your heart take
wait for the Lord!"
--Psalm 27:14

God is good. He is in charge of all I feel and do. He is sovereign. Truly sovereign.

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