Tuesday, September 30, 2008

Bursting at the Seams

So over the past four weeks, I have spent my Tuesday and Thursday mornings at a middle school for placement. This supposedly consists of me observing a teacher in my area teaching a class of unruly middle school kiddos. When I was first placed in a middle school, I was very hesitant because if you know me at all, you'll know I want to teach high school kids. I went into the classroom with a little experience, my summer job putting me in a classroom setting four days a week. I learned how the class worked and after the first week, I was in love.

I am at the middle school for two class periods of Language Arts.

Oh man. I love it.

I get to walk around and chat with the kids about their projects and reactions to certain topics. For the first couple weeks, the kids were really hesitant to think anything of me, or at least outwardly. But they are middle schoolers.

Now, my placement is quickly coming to a close, and they like me. I don't want to leave. Some of the girls asked me why I don't come every day. I melted. One followed me around while we were in the library. She was disappointed when she had to go back to class with the real teacher. They really like me. I'm attached. I don't want to ever leave.

I'm really amazed at these students as well. I noticed this in summer school as well, but it seems more apparent in the middle school setting: though I discipline, the students still like me. They respect me and want my attention. I'm absolutely baffled by this. If I tell them what they are doing is wrong, why would they like me? I don't fully understand. Is it the way I go about it? I'm not sure I will ever understand.

My excitement to be a teacher is magnified in these days that I spend with these students. I feel God's love for them as I walk through the halls and watch them interact. The desire of my heart is to be a teacher. How great is our God that He fills our hearts, our measly pitiful little hearts, with His awe-some incredible desires.

I can't contain myself. Literally.

God is good, my friends. God is so good.

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