Monday, December 21, 2009

A Book a Week

I'm not sure that I have ever had a theme to my blog before, but I have resolved that over Christmas break, at least one blog a week will be devoted to a book. I have about 5 weeks for break, thus I will be writing on 5 books.

I started thinking about this last night, when I realized I have so many books I want to get through in 5 weeks. I need to be diligent and read quickly but thoroughly. And since I LOVE reading, it's not really a chore.

I have no plan for the books I want, though I've begun Little Women by Louisa May Alcott, so that will be the first.

I have a feeling it might turn out to be a review of sorts, but I will probably have multiple posts, all highlighting my favorite parts. I will have to post right after I read them of course, because I will not be able to contain my excitement.

While I start off on this journey, I would encourage you to read as well! Read my blog and see if your interest is piqued by any of the books I read or ask for a suggestion. I am more than willing to give recommendations!

So make some tea, sit by the fire, be warmed by the Christmas tree, and start a good book! You won't regret it. I know I never do.

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